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Saturday, December 21, 2013

The reciters of the Qur’aan are of three types..

The reciters of the Qur’aan are of three types:
1) Those who take it as a commodity and gain their sustenance from it.
2) Those who establish its words, yet neglect its commandments (i.e. read it but don’t practice according to it). Due to (their knowledge of) it, they act arrogantly towards the people of their land and they use it (the Qur’aan) as a support for gaining positions of authority. This type of people from among the bearers of the Qur’aan are many. May Allaah diminish their number!
3) And there is a type who apply the remedy of the Qur’aan and thus place it over the sickness of their hearts. Due to it, their battles come to a standstill and they feel compassionate in their burnooses (long capes worn by the people of old). And they feel a sense of fear (of Allaah) and the worries (of the worldly life) have left them. They are the ones whom Allaah sends His rain down upon and He sends victory through them over the enemies. By Allaah, this type of group from the carriers of the Qur’aan are more honorable than that of flaming torches in the sight of the rest of the reciters of the Qur’aan.

you know who are you...

Monday, November 4, 2013

salam maal hijrah 1435H

Hijrah, maksudnya berpindah. Dalam Islam, hijrah ialah perpindahan Rasulullah SAW dan orang Islam dari kota Makkah ke Kota Madinah.
Pengertian hijrah tidak hanya terbatas sehingga situ sahaja, dalam perngertian yang lebih luas, hijrah bermaksud menegakkan kebenaran, meninggalkan keburukkan dan kejahatan, perubahan sikap, cara berfikir, dan tingkah laku.
Jadi, marilah kita ambil ibrah daripada peristiwa Hijrah, kita ubah sikap kita, cara berfkir, cara bertindak, cara bertutur, cara berpakaian dan dalam apa juga aspek kehidupan, berubahlah ke arah yang lebih baik. 
Jom Hijrah? :) Dengan berhijrah, kita akan jadi lebih Osem dari biasa!
Salam Maal Hijrah 1435H.